Danny Hearn – Deeply Human Design Ltd

This is the story of how I, rapidly created insights to inform the design of a new service while influencing the policy thinkers at Ofgem - The U.K's Heat Network regulator

Journey mapping has been a key tool for uniting teams around a shared understanding of a service. In this post, I reflect on the diverse journey maps I’ve created, how I build them, and the outcomes they’ve helped achieve.

Think back to when you were in the first week of a new job or the first kick-off session with a new client or team. How did you feel in those first few moments? I know I've experienced a range of emotions from nervous, anxious, excited, keen, cautious etc. Perhaps the other people in the team or client felt similar feelings in those moments too. In my experience, those feelings are common at the start of relationships in environments that aren't particularly focused on this as a critical outcome

This is the journey of how a supportive ecosystem was created to re-imagine how Power to Change provide's support to community businesses using an empathetic design-led approach.